O'Bannon Creek Golf Club's Friday Night Couple's Group was surprised to find the front nine holes of their golf course transformed to a Par Three Course Friday June 7th! No more long par 4's and par 5's, and even the par 3's were shortened. What fun!
Two men negotiated the Par Three course in even par, 27. Ben Basone and Joe Herzog apparently really liked the course set up! Dave Forsthoefel, Wayne Stokes, and Steve Bunn were right behind at 28.
Bridgett Funk and Eve Enders shot 34, followed by Cher Van Houten at 35.
Golf was followed by a great buffet dinner in the clubhouse and several adult beverages. A good time was had by all, maybe too good a time by your's truly, but that too would pass.
The next Friday Night Couple's event at O'Bannon Creek Golf Club, Loveland, OH, is scheduled for Friday, June 21st. Event will be a fun scramble, format yet to be determined.
O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night League
News and updates from the Friday Night Golf League @ O'Bannon Creek Golf Club. O'Bannon Creek Golf Club is located in Loveland, OH. The Friday Night League is a fun way for members to spend time on Friday night, playing golf with other members. Its "What You Do Before Dinner"!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Four Teams Tie for 1st Place in Best Ball Competition @ O'Bannon Creek Golf Club
Last night was a really nice evening to play golf. Thanks to the 8 groups of couple;s who came out to play at O'Bannon Creek Golf Club.
The format last night was two best balls of the foursome, 1 for the ladies, 1 for the men. Four teams came in with net scores of 62, Gennaro/Knodle, Miller/Paul, Forsthoefel/Garrison, and Van Houten/Trame. Congratulations to the winning teams and apologies to my team of Kathy Shaut, Walt Wurster, and Kathy Pare. I thought we were also in with a 62 but upon further auditing of the scores today, turns out our team came in with a 64, putting us alone in second place. The winning couples won $15 of Pro Shop credit for their effort last night.
What about those Knodle's--two events, two wins! Not sure rookie league members are supposed to be winning all the time. Congrats Bob and Anne!
Everyone stayed for dinner last night which was nice to see, and most of us were still around until all the teams came in.
Our next event is scheduled for Friday, June 7th. Every hole will be a Par 3! I expect this to be a fun event, and am going to make this a shotgun start, 5:30 PM. Moe has agreed to do a buffet for us that night since we will all be finishing around the same time. So far I've heard from the following couples who won't be able to play: Paul's, Pare's, Gennaro's. Please let me know as soon as possible if you won't be able to play. I'm planning to invite some other couples who aren't in the league to join us that night but want to get a head count of league members before extending invitations to others.
Thanks, everyone, for your participation so far this year. Seems like everyone is having a good time on Friday nights, and that is what it is all about.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Final O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night League Results
The season is over, the champions are crowned, somewhere a new league commissioner is getting her agenda ready for 2012, all is right with the world!
The Champions of the 2011 O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night League are Donna and Steve Bunn! Congratulations, Donna, for putting up with Steve all season and playing well enough to overcome his consistently poor play! Seriously, good job Steve and Donna.
Darlene and Ben Basone finished second followed by Jay and Janet Kuhn. Congratulations on a very good season, Darlene, Ben, Jay, and Janet.
Now, there is some unfinished blogging business from a bit earlier in the season. We (Dave and Kathy Shaut) were playing Ben and Darlene Basone one nice Friday night. On number 8, Ben hit his routine nice drive down the left center of the fairway, and Darlene hit a good drive that ended up in the rough down the right side. Ben dropped Darlene off near her ball with a fairway wood in her hands and proceeded to his ball. Darlene hit her second shot, and then Ben hit a great shot that landed three feet past the hole, spun back, barely missing the hole for an eagle 2, ending up six inches below the hole! Now, Darlene was walking to hit her third shot from about 50 yards, still with her fairway wood in hand since Ben was still so excited about his shot, he drove up to the green, grabbed his putter to tap the birdie in, and apparently forgot about his lovely wife, now getting ready to hit a chip shot with, yes, you guessed it, her fairway wood! Ben, finally waking from his "good shot trance", realized what Darlene had in her hand and said something like why the hell are you hitting a chip shot with a fairway wood. Well, you might imagine what Darlene had to say. I tell you, I've heard some salty language in my day, but had to close my ears! So, next time you see Ben, remind him the world doesn't revolve around him, though he is one of the best golfers at O'Bannon Creek golf Club, and his golf and life partner needs some attention as well.
Some of you weren't able to attend the closing Scramble and Dinner, and missed my final, closing remarks as Commissioner, so, here they are, for your reading pleasure or whatever. Enjoy!
The 2011 Season, Golf and Politics
August 26, 2011
Hello everyone, my name is Dave Shaut and I’m running away from the position of Commissioner of the O’Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple's League. However, since I am currently the Commissioner, it is my duty to preside over the closing event, deliver a state of the Union to league members, and present awards to top Scramble and Season performers. So I will happily perform my final duties.
I am pleased to tell y’all, despite the extremely difficult economic times we find ourselves in, the State of the Union of the O’Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple’s League is good. Regardless of the constant bickering on both sides of the aisle of the league, the inability of any of you to agree on virtually anything, and only due to my unilateral, benevolent dictatorship, the league is financially sound. I lowered taxes by 50% from $40 per team to $20, the budget is balanced (all revenue has been spent on golf balls and other prizes, mostly for my benefit). I’ve created jobs by getting all of you out here to play golf (if that is what some of you like to call what takes place out on the course) and eat on Friday nights, thus providing revenue for the club, jobs for the employees, profits for our vendors, and generating untold billions in profits, state and local taxes, including social security and medicare, providing many league members with their only means of support and medical care. In addition, I personally promote higher education by selfishly providing direct financial support to our many employees who are full or part-time students via tips--you don’t think I drink because I like to, it is all to support education. I also provide extremely valuable counseling to our many college students, as only someone with my life and professional experience is able to do. I’ve promulgated fair rules (#1 being have fun), listened to your petty complaints and concerns, acted like I cared, then gone off and done what I want to anyway because y’all know I know best!
Now, all these good things don’t come without a cost. The previous regime treated you all like babies. For example, at the closing dinner, which was included in the League Tax--yes, let’s call it what it is, a Tax--he provided all kinds of “FREE” gifts. Let me ask you, is anything really FREE? I think you know the answer to that! But I digress. He “gave” you wine glasses, all kinds of Used golf self-help books (what was he really saying--that you were all bad golfers), and seemingly everyone went home with something. Does that remind any of you of a word that starts with “S”? Socialism? Is that what you want, European Style Socialism here at O’Bannon Creek. I don’t think so, not under my watch, but in a little while, you all can do whatever you want. I suppose some of you would like it if there weren’t any dues here, if just anyone could play any time they want to, or you could walk into the restaurant, eat and drink anything you want for free, if we took the locks of the lockers and anyone could claim any locker they want, you get the picture! Well, those type of “S” word things won’t happen on my watch!
So yes, you have to pay for your own dinner tonight. And, you aren’t all going to walk out of here with a goody bag so you can all go home feeling good about yourselves. I’m not handing out bumper stickers saying “My Wife Is An Honor Golfer in the Friday Night Couple’s League at O’Bannon Creek Golf Club” or “My Husband Scored Net Par on All the Par 3’s at O’Bannon Creek Golf Club”. The only people walking out of here tonight with prizes will have earned them by being the Best of the Best. They know American Golf wasn’t made great through laying around, hoping the government would give them a handout, pay for golf lessons, carry their bag around the course, hit the shots out of the sand traps--you get the picture. The rest of you have a choice--work hard, practice, take lessons, and then just maybe next year walk out of here with one of the hard-earned prizes. Or, you can just lay around, don’t practice, seek pity from others telling them it just isn’t fair that guys like Dave Shaut get all the prizes--we should divide up the prize money equally so we can all have some! Better yet, we shouldn’t have to pay anything to be in the league, and still all get prize money for playing less than mediocre golf! Nope, not while I’m commissioner.
But enough. To summarize, I’m leaving the house in good order, arguably better than I found it. I can only hope you will choose a new leader who will maintain the tough love standards I’ve established. Or, of course, you can go an entirely different direction, elect a new commissioner who will turn all those 7’s, 8’s, 9’s and 10’s into eagles, birdies and pars. You can pick someone who will post all your scores for you instead of making you walk up to the computer and laboriously push all those keys. But if you do make that choice, remember, the cost of all this largess will be borne by your grandchildren and their grandchildren. If you can live with that choice, go for it!
Thank you very much!
Dave “The Ex” Commissioner
The Champions of the 2011 O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night League are Donna and Steve Bunn! Congratulations, Donna, for putting up with Steve all season and playing well enough to overcome his consistently poor play! Seriously, good job Steve and Donna.
Darlene and Ben Basone finished second followed by Jay and Janet Kuhn. Congratulations on a very good season, Darlene, Ben, Jay, and Janet.
Now, there is some unfinished blogging business from a bit earlier in the season. We (Dave and Kathy Shaut) were playing Ben and Darlene Basone one nice Friday night. On number 8, Ben hit his routine nice drive down the left center of the fairway, and Darlene hit a good drive that ended up in the rough down the right side. Ben dropped Darlene off near her ball with a fairway wood in her hands and proceeded to his ball. Darlene hit her second shot, and then Ben hit a great shot that landed three feet past the hole, spun back, barely missing the hole for an eagle 2, ending up six inches below the hole! Now, Darlene was walking to hit her third shot from about 50 yards, still with her fairway wood in hand since Ben was still so excited about his shot, he drove up to the green, grabbed his putter to tap the birdie in, and apparently forgot about his lovely wife, now getting ready to hit a chip shot with, yes, you guessed it, her fairway wood! Ben, finally waking from his "good shot trance", realized what Darlene had in her hand and said something like why the hell are you hitting a chip shot with a fairway wood. Well, you might imagine what Darlene had to say. I tell you, I've heard some salty language in my day, but had to close my ears! So, next time you see Ben, remind him the world doesn't revolve around him, though he is one of the best golfers at O'Bannon Creek golf Club, and his golf and life partner needs some attention as well.
Some of you weren't able to attend the closing Scramble and Dinner, and missed my final, closing remarks as Commissioner, so, here they are, for your reading pleasure or whatever. Enjoy!
The 2011 Season, Golf and Politics
August 26, 2011
Hello everyone, my name is Dave Shaut and I’m running away from the position of Commissioner of the O’Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple's League. However, since I am currently the Commissioner, it is my duty to preside over the closing event, deliver a state of the Union to league members, and present awards to top Scramble and Season performers. So I will happily perform my final duties.
I am pleased to tell y’all, despite the extremely difficult economic times we find ourselves in, the State of the Union of the O’Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple’s League is good. Regardless of the constant bickering on both sides of the aisle of the league, the inability of any of you to agree on virtually anything, and only due to my unilateral, benevolent dictatorship, the league is financially sound. I lowered taxes by 50% from $40 per team to $20, the budget is balanced (all revenue has been spent on golf balls and other prizes, mostly for my benefit). I’ve created jobs by getting all of you out here to play golf (if that is what some of you like to call what takes place out on the course) and eat on Friday nights, thus providing revenue for the club, jobs for the employees, profits for our vendors, and generating untold billions in profits, state and local taxes, including social security and medicare, providing many league members with their only means of support and medical care. In addition, I personally promote higher education by selfishly providing direct financial support to our many employees who are full or part-time students via tips--you don’t think I drink because I like to, it is all to support education. I also provide extremely valuable counseling to our many college students, as only someone with my life and professional experience is able to do. I’ve promulgated fair rules (#1 being have fun), listened to your petty complaints and concerns, acted like I cared, then gone off and done what I want to anyway because y’all know I know best!
Now, all these good things don’t come without a cost. The previous regime treated you all like babies. For example, at the closing dinner, which was included in the League Tax--yes, let’s call it what it is, a Tax--he provided all kinds of “FREE” gifts. Let me ask you, is anything really FREE? I think you know the answer to that! But I digress. He “gave” you wine glasses, all kinds of Used golf self-help books (what was he really saying--that you were all bad golfers), and seemingly everyone went home with something. Does that remind any of you of a word that starts with “S”? Socialism? Is that what you want, European Style Socialism here at O’Bannon Creek. I don’t think so, not under my watch, but in a little while, you all can do whatever you want. I suppose some of you would like it if there weren’t any dues here, if just anyone could play any time they want to, or you could walk into the restaurant, eat and drink anything you want for free, if we took the locks of the lockers and anyone could claim any locker they want, you get the picture! Well, those type of “S” word things won’t happen on my watch!
So yes, you have to pay for your own dinner tonight. And, you aren’t all going to walk out of here with a goody bag so you can all go home feeling good about yourselves. I’m not handing out bumper stickers saying “My Wife Is An Honor Golfer in the Friday Night Couple’s League at O’Bannon Creek Golf Club” or “My Husband Scored Net Par on All the Par 3’s at O’Bannon Creek Golf Club”. The only people walking out of here tonight with prizes will have earned them by being the Best of the Best. They know American Golf wasn’t made great through laying around, hoping the government would give them a handout, pay for golf lessons, carry their bag around the course, hit the shots out of the sand traps--you get the picture. The rest of you have a choice--work hard, practice, take lessons, and then just maybe next year walk out of here with one of the hard-earned prizes. Or, you can just lay around, don’t practice, seek pity from others telling them it just isn’t fair that guys like Dave Shaut get all the prizes--we should divide up the prize money equally so we can all have some! Better yet, we shouldn’t have to pay anything to be in the league, and still all get prize money for playing less than mediocre golf! Nope, not while I’m commissioner.
But enough. To summarize, I’m leaving the house in good order, arguably better than I found it. I can only hope you will choose a new leader who will maintain the tough love standards I’ve established. Or, of course, you can go an entirely different direction, elect a new commissioner who will turn all those 7’s, 8’s, 9’s and 10’s into eagles, birdies and pars. You can pick someone who will post all your scores for you instead of making you walk up to the computer and laboriously push all those keys. But if you do make that choice, remember, the cost of all this largess will be borne by your grandchildren and their grandchildren. If you can live with that choice, go for it!
Thank you very much!
Dave “The Ex” Commissioner
Thursday, August 25, 2011
All Regular Friday Night League Matches Completed
The 2011 O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple's Golf League is now in the books. All regular weekly matches are complete. Tomorrow night, August 26th, the season-ending Scramble and Buffet will be held. I'm not going to tell y'all who won the league but I will tell you it was close to the end. Season-long champions will be crowned during the buffet and closing ceremony.
Here are a few highlights from August 19th matches:
Top Point Winners: Joel and Linda Miller scored the most points last week, 13 1/2. Nice week, Joel and Linda. Several other teams scored 12 points.
Closest to the Pin: Linda Miller was closest to the pin on # 7, and Wayne Stokes was closest to the pin on #5. Interestingly, Wayne birdied #7 and parred #5.
Birdies: In addition to Wayne's birdie, Sandy Garrison birdied #4. Nice job Sandy.
That is all for now. I look forward to seeing most of you tomorrow night. The weather should be great, food will be excellent. Come out, play a little golf, and enjoy the company of fellow league members.
Here are a few highlights from August 19th matches:
Top Point Winners: Joel and Linda Miller scored the most points last week, 13 1/2. Nice week, Joel and Linda. Several other teams scored 12 points.
Closest to the Pin: Linda Miller was closest to the pin on # 7, and Wayne Stokes was closest to the pin on #5. Interestingly, Wayne birdied #7 and parred #5.
Birdies: In addition to Wayne's birdie, Sandy Garrison birdied #4. Nice job Sandy.
That is all for now. I look forward to seeing most of you tomorrow night. The weather should be great, food will be excellent. Come out, play a little golf, and enjoy the company of fellow league members.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bunn's Lead O'Bannon Creek Friday Night Couple's League with One Week to Go
There is only one week left in the O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple's League. Donna and Steve Bunn have a narrow, two point lead. They are followed closely by Darlene and Ben Basone, two points back, and Janet and Jay Kuhn are five points back. Darlene and Ben have drawn a forfeit this week, will end the season with 86 1/2 points, so the bar has been set. To beat the Basones, a team needs to end the season at 87 points.
Several teams scored a lot of points last week, led by the Trames with 16 1/2 points, the Basones with 15 1/2 points, and the Bunns with 14 1/2 points. Nice week all!
Nancy Downing was closest to the pin on #7 and Gary Trame was closest on #5. Congratulations!
This week I'm going to focus on players who had a birdie on one or more holes. Lina Stokes birdied #8, yours truly had a birdie in #3, Jerry Paul birdied #4, and Ben Basone through two birdies at me on #'s 8 and 9! Congratulations all!
One more match to go, Friday, August 19th. Please come out and play your match, if at all possible. If you can't play Friday, please make up your matches. A few of you have already told me you won't be able to play--thanks. Remember, there is only one week between Friday's matches and the season finale scramble so let me know by next Wednesday if you aren't able to complete this week's match. That will give me time to get final standings determined before the scramble.
Thanks, Dave
Several teams scored a lot of points last week, led by the Trames with 16 1/2 points, the Basones with 15 1/2 points, and the Bunns with 14 1/2 points. Nice week all!
Nancy Downing was closest to the pin on #7 and Gary Trame was closest on #5. Congratulations!
This week I'm going to focus on players who had a birdie on one or more holes. Lina Stokes birdied #8, yours truly had a birdie in #3, Jerry Paul birdied #4, and Ben Basone through two birdies at me on #'s 8 and 9! Congratulations all!
One more match to go, Friday, August 19th. Please come out and play your match, if at all possible. If you can't play Friday, please make up your matches. A few of you have already told me you won't be able to play--thanks. Remember, there is only one week between Friday's matches and the season finale scramble so let me know by next Wednesday if you aren't able to complete this week's match. That will give me time to get final standings determined before the scramble.
Thanks, Dave
Thursday, August 4, 2011
July 22nd O'Bannon Creek Golf Club Friday Night Couple's League Results and Highlights
I now have complete results for the July 22nd matches. Steve and Donna Bunn lead the pack with 62 points, followed closely by the Randy Lansdell-Debbie Yinling team with 60 points. Ben and Darlene Basone are in third place with 59 points. Several other teams are within 5 or six points so the last two matches are very important. We have a few people out on injured reserve--hope y'all get better soon.
Here are a few highlights (only a few since it is Thursday night and I still have to get the score cards together for tomorrow).
Closest to the Pin: Sandy Garrison was closest to the pin on number 7. Drew Johnson was closest to the pin on number 5. Congratulations Sandy and Drew!
There were several very good scores. As George Carlin used to say when he was the "Hippy Dippy Weather Man with Some Hippy Dippy Weather" about temperatures, here are some scores: 45, 42 33, 35, 34, 29! Seriously, here are some good scores from July 22nd matches.
Ladies: Ann Wurster, gross 40-net 30. Wow, Ann, very good score. Debbie Yingling shot a net 31, Lina Stokes shot a net 35, Janet Lindle and Brookan Gennaro both shot net 37. Nice scoring all!
Men: Dale Lindle, net 31, way to go! Wayne Stokes shot a net 36, Dan Gennaro and "Hub" Hlovchiec both shot net 37.
Okay, so let's all get out and play on the regularly scheduled night if possible, tomorrow and then Friday, August 19th. Remember, there is only one week between the last regular matches and season-ending Scramble August 26th so if you don't play August 19th you need to make up the matches and get me the scorecards no later than Wednesday, August 24th so I can tabulate final results from the season.
Also, I will be sending a separate email asking if you will be playing in the Scramble August 26th. I hope as many of you as possible will join us. Kerry will form teams, two men, two women. You won't be playing with your spouse. We will tee off at 5 PM and a dinner will follow. You will be responsible for dinner. Dinner will be followed by prize presentations. Prizes will be awarded for season long performance as well as for the Scramble winners/top placing teams, etc.
Your September O'Bannon Bill will include a charge of $20 per team to cover season long and Scramble prizes.
See most of you tomorrow night on the course and in the Restaurant.
Here are a few highlights (only a few since it is Thursday night and I still have to get the score cards together for tomorrow).
Closest to the Pin: Sandy Garrison was closest to the pin on number 7. Drew Johnson was closest to the pin on number 5. Congratulations Sandy and Drew!
There were several very good scores. As George Carlin used to say when he was the "Hippy Dippy Weather Man with Some Hippy Dippy Weather" about temperatures, here are some scores: 45, 42 33, 35, 34, 29! Seriously, here are some good scores from July 22nd matches.
Ladies: Ann Wurster, gross 40-net 30. Wow, Ann, very good score. Debbie Yingling shot a net 31, Lina Stokes shot a net 35, Janet Lindle and Brookan Gennaro both shot net 37. Nice scoring all!
Men: Dale Lindle, net 31, way to go! Wayne Stokes shot a net 36, Dan Gennaro and "Hub" Hlovchiec both shot net 37.
Okay, so let's all get out and play on the regularly scheduled night if possible, tomorrow and then Friday, August 19th. Remember, there is only one week between the last regular matches and season-ending Scramble August 26th so if you don't play August 19th you need to make up the matches and get me the scorecards no later than Wednesday, August 24th so I can tabulate final results from the season.
Also, I will be sending a separate email asking if you will be playing in the Scramble August 26th. I hope as many of you as possible will join us. Kerry will form teams, two men, two women. You won't be playing with your spouse. We will tee off at 5 PM and a dinner will follow. You will be responsible for dinner. Dinner will be followed by prize presentations. Prizes will be awarded for season long performance as well as for the Scramble winners/top placing teams, etc.
Your September O'Bannon Bill will include a charge of $20 per team to cover season long and Scramble prizes.
See most of you tomorrow night on the course and in the Restaurant.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
July 8th O'Bannon Creek Friday Night Couple's League Update
Closest to the Pin: Men, #5--Nobody, no man got on the green! Come on, guys, work on your 150 yard shots!
Ladies, #7--Ann Wurster. Ann, nice shot, remind me to give you your prize.
Standings: Steve and Donna Bunn are in 1st place with 52 points after 4 matches. The Gennaro's and Garrision's are tied for second with 48 points, followed very closely by Randy Lansdell and Debbie Yingling with 47 points. Looks like a close run to the finish for these three teams. And, looking ahead, Randy and Debbie scored 13 points in their July 22nd match so they may move up the standings. Oh, and watch out for those Lindle's, they scored 30 points in the last 2 weeks!
Scoring Highlights:
There were a lot of good net scores posted after the July 8th matches.
Ladies: Janet Lindle and BrookAn Gennaro both shot net 33's, 4 under par. Deanna Spatz shot a net 34, 3 under par, Linda Miller shot a net 35, 2 under par, Donna Bunn shot a net 36, one under par, and Kathy Shaut shot (say that 3 times fast) a net 37, even par. Nice rounds, ladies, seems like you would buy us guys some drinks at dinner when y'all play so well.
Men: Randy Lansdell shot a net 33, two under par. Randy, I can see that handicap falling! Four men shot net 34, one under par: Steve Bunn, Gary Trame, Lowell Bowie, and Fred Spatz. Dale Lindle shot a net 35, even par, and my neighbor and buddy Walt Wurster shot a net 36, one over par. And guys, while I'm thinking about it, you can always buy me a drink, or several, whether you shoot a good score or not!
Natural Birdies (not to be confused with unnatural Birdies): There were 4 Natural Birdies, Brookan Gennaro (2 on #5), Bob Pare (2 on #7), Dave Shaut (3 on #1), and Ben Basone (2 on #5). No prize, just honorable mention on this infamous Blog.
Play July 22nd Matches: Please make up July 22nd matches as soon as possible. If you can't/aren't going to make up matches, please let me know the disposition (big word) of the points. I'd like to get the standings updated before the August 5th matches if possible. And, please, try to play the matches on the night scheduled whenever possible, and make reservations for dinner. The restaurant relies on us Friday Night Leaguers as a base of business so please play and eat. And, if your match is canceled, please come out and eat anyway. Thanks for your consideration.
The next scheduled matches are on August 5th. Please do your best to play your matches that evening. Let's finish strong in August, play as many matches as possible on Friday nights.
Ladies, #7--Ann Wurster. Ann, nice shot, remind me to give you your prize.
Standings: Steve and Donna Bunn are in 1st place with 52 points after 4 matches. The Gennaro's and Garrision's are tied for second with 48 points, followed very closely by Randy Lansdell and Debbie Yingling with 47 points. Looks like a close run to the finish for these three teams. And, looking ahead, Randy and Debbie scored 13 points in their July 22nd match so they may move up the standings. Oh, and watch out for those Lindle's, they scored 30 points in the last 2 weeks!
Scoring Highlights:
There were a lot of good net scores posted after the July 8th matches.
Ladies: Janet Lindle and BrookAn Gennaro both shot net 33's, 4 under par. Deanna Spatz shot a net 34, 3 under par, Linda Miller shot a net 35, 2 under par, Donna Bunn shot a net 36, one under par, and Kathy Shaut shot (say that 3 times fast) a net 37, even par. Nice rounds, ladies, seems like you would buy us guys some drinks at dinner when y'all play so well.
Men: Randy Lansdell shot a net 33, two under par. Randy, I can see that handicap falling! Four men shot net 34, one under par: Steve Bunn, Gary Trame, Lowell Bowie, and Fred Spatz. Dale Lindle shot a net 35, even par, and my neighbor and buddy Walt Wurster shot a net 36, one over par. And guys, while I'm thinking about it, you can always buy me a drink, or several, whether you shoot a good score or not!
Natural Birdies (not to be confused with unnatural Birdies): There were 4 Natural Birdies, Brookan Gennaro (2 on #5), Bob Pare (2 on #7), Dave Shaut (3 on #1), and Ben Basone (2 on #5). No prize, just honorable mention on this infamous Blog.
Play July 22nd Matches: Please make up July 22nd matches as soon as possible. If you can't/aren't going to make up matches, please let me know the disposition (big word) of the points. I'd like to get the standings updated before the August 5th matches if possible. And, please, try to play the matches on the night scheduled whenever possible, and make reservations for dinner. The restaurant relies on us Friday Night Leaguers as a base of business so please play and eat. And, if your match is canceled, please come out and eat anyway. Thanks for your consideration.
The next scheduled matches are on August 5th. Please do your best to play your matches that evening. Let's finish strong in August, play as many matches as possible on Friday nights.
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