Closest to the Pin: Men, #5--Nobody, no man got on the green! Come on, guys, work on your 150 yard shots!
Ladies, #7--Ann Wurster. Ann, nice shot, remind me to give you your prize.
Standings: Steve and Donna Bunn are in 1st place with 52 points after 4 matches. The Gennaro's and Garrision's are tied for second with 48 points, followed very closely by Randy Lansdell and Debbie Yingling with 47 points. Looks like a close run to the finish for these three teams. And, looking ahead, Randy and Debbie scored 13 points in their July 22nd match so they may move up the standings. Oh, and watch out for those Lindle's, they scored 30 points in the last 2 weeks!
Scoring Highlights:
There were a lot of good net scores posted after the July 8th matches.
Ladies: Janet Lindle and BrookAn Gennaro both shot net 33's, 4 under par. Deanna Spatz shot a net 34, 3 under par, Linda Miller shot a net 35, 2 under par, Donna Bunn shot a net 36, one under par, and Kathy Shaut shot (say that 3 times fast) a net 37, even par. Nice rounds, ladies, seems like you would buy us guys some drinks at dinner when y'all play so well.
Men: Randy Lansdell shot a net 33, two under par. Randy, I can see that handicap falling! Four men shot net 34, one under par: Steve Bunn, Gary Trame, Lowell Bowie, and Fred Spatz. Dale Lindle shot a net 35, even par, and my neighbor and buddy Walt Wurster shot a net 36, one over par. And guys, while I'm thinking about it, you can always buy me a drink, or several, whether you shoot a good score or not!
Natural Birdies (not to be confused with unnatural Birdies): There were 4 Natural Birdies, Brookan Gennaro (2 on #5), Bob Pare (2 on #7), Dave Shaut (3 on #1), and Ben Basone (2 on #5). No prize, just honorable mention on this infamous Blog.
Play July 22nd Matches: Please make up July 22nd matches as soon as possible. If you can't/aren't going to make up matches, please let me know the disposition (big word) of the points. I'd like to get the standings updated before the August 5th matches if possible. And, please, try to play the matches on the night scheduled whenever possible, and make reservations for dinner. The restaurant relies on us Friday Night Leaguers as a base of business so please play and eat. And, if your match is canceled, please come out and eat anyway. Thanks for your consideration.
The next scheduled matches are on August 5th. Please do your best to play your matches that evening. Let's finish strong in August, play as many matches as possible on Friday nights.
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