Sandy Garrison was on FIRE last Friday night, shooting a gross 36, net 31, 1 under par, scoring 4, count 'em 4, birdies! Wow! Sandy birdied #'s 4, 5, 6, and 9! Great round, Sandy.
Only 4 matches were played Friday night! Ouch! Lot's of people out of town, or had other plans. I know at least one or two matches are going to be made up so please send me your scores, individual and match scores, if you make up a match this week before Friday. I'll wait to update the standings until then. For those of you who did play, I'll send your individual scores to the pro shop today so your handicaps will be updated by the Friday update.
Closest to the Pin, 7/9/2010: #5, Men, Dave Forsthoefel. #7, Women, Sandy Garrison. Dave, don't try to collect yet another set of balls for being closest Friday night, I already gave them to you Saturday. Sandy, I'll give you yours this Friday night when we play.
Match Highlights:
Garrison/Lewis: Rick Lewis continues to be vacationing in Italy, on the Adriatic Coast, so he sent his dad Dick out to play with Nancy last Friday night. Heard that it was Rick and Nancy's anniversary? Congratulations Rick and Nancy. Anyway, Jeff Garrison and Dick had a highly competitive match, ending with Jeff coming out on top 5 to 4. Jeff shot a steady 38, net 34, and Dick was equally steady, shooting a gross 41, net 35. Dick birdied #9, always a treat, since # 9 is a tough green to hit, and depending upon where the pin is, to putt. As already noted, Sandy had a great scoring night, but despite that, Nancy held her own, shooting a net par 37, and getting 3 points for the Lewis team.
Jordahl/Van Houten: Barb apparently was mad at Marlow and sent him alone, out into the high heat and humidity to face the tough team of Phil and Cher Van Houten. Don't know what Marlow did to deserve a trip to the woodshed by himself but Phil and Cher sure gave him all he didn't want! Phil and Cher both shot net 34's, 1 under for Phil and 3 under for Cher, and took 16 1/2 points from Marlow. Boy, if Barb was mad before the match, can't imagine what Marlow got when he went home and reported the results to her!
Forsthoefel/Lindle: Apparently Dale and Janet didn't want to face the heat either. They sent Paul Kenny out by himself to face the tough Forsthoefel tream. He fared a little better than poor Marlow, but still lost to this formidable duo. Dave and Paul battled to a 5 to 4 result, with Dave winning. In his match against the fierce, highly competitive Arlene, Paul was able to eke out a tie. Thanks for filling in, Paul. Did Dave and Arlene make you walk? That is a little inside joke betweek Paul and me!
Ellis/Mueller: Both matches were close, with Sarah getting by Lori 5 to 4 and Brian beating Brad 6 to 3. Lori and Sarah shot scores very close to their handicaps, performing much better than their men-folk, neither of whom came close to shooting net pars! Come on Brad and Brian, pick it up a bit, quit embarassing your wives week after week!
Schiesler/Bunn: Jim Schiesler was sent out by his poor little old self to play Donna and Steve Bunn last Thursday night. Jim, Donna, and Steve got to hole #3 just as the skies opened up and dropped an inch or so of rain on them and the course. I know because I was ahead of them on #6! Nice try, Jim, Donna, and Steve! Thanks for trying to get the match in.
Reminders for This Week:
1. If you couldn't play your match last Friday, try to make it up before this coming Friday. The purpose of the league is to have fun playing with other couples. If you make up a match, let me know your scores by email so I can update the standings and score sheet. Leave your score card in the restaurant with the bartender--I'll pick them up later in the week.
2. For those of you with matches scheduled this Friday, Group 2, please try to play them Friday night, or find subs. I know there aren't a lot of subs but do your best. And, remember, the best source of subs are the couples playing in the opposite group.
3. And, if you are in Group 1, call another couple and come on out to play Friday night!
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