Closest to the Pin: Arlene Forsthoefel was closest on #7, and Bob Pare was closest on #5 (again).
Other Highlights/Good Scores:
- Dave Forsthoefel continued his season-long very good play, shooting a net 34, with a birdie on #5.
- Phil Van Houten shot a net 35.
- Arlene Forsthoefel shot a net 33.
- Rick Lewis--was that really Rick Lewis playing and having dinner with Nancy last Friday night--I think it was--shot 35/Net 32, with birdies on #s 1 and 2. Way to go Rick, and nice to see you in town (and in the USA) for a few weeks.
- Steve Bunn shot a net 33, as did his opponent last Friday, Bob Pare. Nice rounds, Steve and Bob.
- Donna Bunn shot a net 31--wow, way to go, beat the old man!
- Kathy Pare shot an even par net 37, nice job Kathy.
- Janet Lindle shot a net 32! Great round, Janet.
- Deanna Spatz shot a net 35, besting Fred by 1 shot. I think Deanna made Fred pay for dinner!
- Lina Stokes continued her season long great scoring, shooting a net 33, parring 2 out of the 3 par fives.
- Barb Jordahl shot a net 36, 1 under par. Good job Barb.
- Dale Barnes shot a net 33. In the same group with Dale, Mary shot a net 35, and Thelma Porter shot a net 33.
Tonight is the last official match for Group 2 teams. Doesn't seem possible the season is coming to a close soon.
As announced a couple of weeks ago, the closing scramble/dinner is now scheduled for Friday, September 10th. Some of you have already let me know you will (or won't) be available then. Also, I am going to put together a schedule and event for Friday, August 27th, for those who want to play then. So, I need to know if you will be playing August 27th so I can put the schedule together. Also, please let me know if you will be playing/having dinner with us on September 10th. If you've already sent me an email about these dates/events, you don't have to do anything. If you haven't, please send me an email as soon as possible, but no later than August 20th, so I can make the appropriate plans for both events. My email address is
Thanks for your cooperation, stay cool, get out and play some golf!
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